Saturday, March 8, 2008

Meta Tags

Meta tags means data about data, where we have to define about page like keywords, description
encoding.. etc etc.. But now a days many search engine like google don't make much use of meta tags. Still many of us define them for other search engine's. There are lots of other sites who offers online meta tags analyzer, which checks whether the tags are ok are not. I dont think it is much needed, we can manually check them, we write this tags in head section of site,. Here are few tags to be included with details.

This line defines the page encoding or page type
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">

This tags has keywords for the page by which search engine will find your that page.
Following tags are for my blogs. You can think over good keywords for your site and
use them.
<meta name="Keywords" content="free seo,learn seo,seo for free,seo,seo tips, tips for seo">
This description is to describe the page or site so when search engines shows this inforation to users in short when they search.
<meta name="Description" content="Blog for learning SEO, Helping with SEO realted problems, We also make SEO easy to learn it. SEO is defined with all his aspects here..">

There are the meta tags also for let the page to be chached in browser or not.. But that is not usefull for us.. Basically google dont use meta tags. Google gives importance to title tags and first paragraph of the page. So we will also have look over them and how to maintain them.


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